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Rabu, 01 April 2015

FAQs about Growing Carrots

FAQ - Looking for Aquaponics And Hydroponics Systems Today i will give you some info about FAQ, i was write this article for sharing Article Carrots, Article FAQ, Article growing foods, I hope this article very helpfull for you

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This is our next article on FAQ series. Today's edition is CARROTS. Here are some of the questions generally asked about carrot growing.
Which variety should I plant?
If your soil does not have very good drainage capacity growing shorter varieties is best. For a deeper and loose soil you can always select the longer varieties. Read more about soil classification.

How much space is needed?
Though most of the time carrot seeds are planted very closely you need to thin them after germination. For normal loose soil two plants for every one inch of soil is ideal. If the soil is heavy and tight you need to give more space.

What are seed stalks?
Carrots are biennial. They grow from seed to flower-producing plants over two years. Carrots or many other biennial crops, such as cabbage, will produce seed stalks the first year if young plants are kept in cold weather. Carrots which produce seed stalks often lack flavour, are woody and have poor texture.

What is the best soil type?
A light sandy or loamy soil is ideal for growing carrots. For more details Read carrot growing tips.

What are baby carrots?
By definition these are small immature carrots that are pulled before reaching maturity. Now a days there are referred to several varieties of carrots which are smaller in size upon maturing.

What are the health benefit of eating carrots?
Carrots are good for skin. It helps in fighting infections, preventing wrinkles and delay the aging process. Due to the presence of beta carotine it helps in keeping good eye sight. Also it has been reported to fight against cancer.

Why my carrots taste bitter?
In a carrot there are both trepenoids and sugar. Presence of trepinoid makes the carrot bitter. During its growth trepenoid develops earlier than sugar. So if you harvest your carrots too early it will have bitter taste.
In some species the quantity of trepinoid is far greater than others.

Why do my carrots are bolting?
Carrots are binnual plant. That means they flower in the second year of planting. But if you see them flowering in the first year itself that is due to the fact that there might be a change of temperature or a change in day length. Also growing carrots through out summer can make them prone to bolting. There are several bolt resistant variety which you try growing if you want to grow them in summers.

Can I transplant carrots?
You can. But probably you should not. Carrots actually doesn't do too well in transplanting. They are much more erratic.

Why do carrots split or crack?
Inapproprite watering is the major cause of spliting carrots. If you don't like splitted carrots make sure the soil is moistured evenly. Adding coconut coir or peat moss with the soil can solve this problem.

Why there are galls and swelling in the roots of the plant?
It is called a disease caused by root knot nematodes. Click here to read more on this.

Have any more questions? Please post it in the comment box. We will be happy to answer those.

This is our next article on FAQ series. Today's edition is CARROTS. Here are some of the questions generally asked about carrot growing.
Which variety should I plant?
If your soil does not have very good drainage capacity growing shorter varieties is best. For a deeper and loose soil you can always select the longer varieties. Read more about soil classification.

How much space is needed?
Though most of the time carrot seeds are planted very closely you need to thin them after germination. For normal loose soil two plants for every one inch of soil is ideal. If the soil is heavy and tight you need to give more space.

What are seed stalks?
Carrots are biennial. They grow from seed to flower-producing plants over two years. Carrots or many other biennial crops, such as cabbage, will produce seed stalks the first year if young plants are kept in cold weather. Carrots which produce seed stalks often lack flavour, are woody and have poor texture.

What is the best soil type?
A light sandy or loamy soil is ideal for growing carrots. For more details Read carrot growing tips.

What are baby carrots?
By definition these are small immature carrots that are pulled before reaching maturity. Now a days there are referred to several varieties of carrots which are smaller in size upon maturing.

What are the health benefit of eating carrots?
Carrots are good for skin. It helps in fighting infections, preventing wrinkles and delay the aging process. Due to the presence of beta carotine it helps in keeping good eye sight. Also it has been reported to fight against cancer.

Why my carrots taste bitter?
In a carrot there are both trepenoids and sugar. Presence of trepinoid makes the carrot bitter. During its growth trepenoid develops earlier than sugar. So if you harvest your carrots too early it will have bitter taste.
In some species the quantity of trepinoid is far greater than others.

Why do my carrots are bolting?
Carrots are binnual plant. That means they flower in the second year of planting. But if you see them flowering in the first year itself that is due to the fact that there might be a change of temperature or a change in day length. Also growing carrots through out summer can make them prone to bolting. There are several bolt resistant variety which you try growing if you want to grow them in summers.

Can I transplant carrots?
You can. But probably you should not. Carrots actually doesn't do too well in transplanting. They are much more erratic.

Why do carrots split or crack?
Inapproprite watering is the major cause of spliting carrots. If you don't like splitted carrots make sure the soil is moistured evenly. Adding coconut coir or peat moss with the soil can solve this problem.

Why there are galls and swelling in the roots of the plant?
It is called a disease caused by root knot nematodes. Click here to read more on this.

Have any more questions? Please post it in the comment box. We will be happy to answer those.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

FAQs on Onion Growing

FAQ - Looking for Aquaponics And Hydroponics Systems Today i will give you some info about FAQ, i was write this article for sharing Article FAQ, Article onions, I hope this article very helpfull for you

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This is another article in the FAQ series. This article is concerned with growing Onions. So here are some of the most common questions asked regarding Onion growing:

Can I grow onions from seedlings?
Yes you can. There are 3 ways to grow the plant; from the seed, from seedlings and from immature bulbs. You need to clip the top once it reaches 4 inches to stop its fall and to prevent any bending. Check this article for growing tips.

Which onion should I grow?
Depending on the required day light to form bulbs the onions can be of three types:
1. long Day Onions (Most of the onion variety are of this type and are pungent in taste)
2. Short Day Onions (most sweet onions are short day type)
3. Day neutral Onions
So if your place receives a very long day type choose Long day Onions and if the place lacks day time choose the shorter version. If you are not very sure go for the day neutral variety.

What are the different types of Onions?
Onions can be of different varieties. Colour wise they can be Red, Yellow or White. You can find detailed information about various types of onions in this article.

Should I cover the onion bulbs?
No. Do not try to cover the bulbs while growing onions. Onion plants have a very shallow root system. Any digging around the plant can actually damage it.

What is an onion set?
These are small immature bulbs which have been taken out before reaching their full size. Once they reach a size around 1/3 to 1/2 a inch in diameter they are harvested and after drying used for planting. For more details check out Onion growing tips.
If I can't plant immediately after buying plants from the shop, how do I store them?
It is highly recommended  that once you get your plant you should plant them. But if you can't do it immediately don't panic. The onions can live sometime of their bulbs. Spread them in cool and dry area. But do not put them in water.

Why some of the onion sets I planted, go to seeds instead of forming bulbs?
Onions form bulbs in the first year and then go into flowering and seed in the next year. But if you are getting the flowers and seeds in the first year itself and not the bulbs it is may be due to the fact that the set size is too large. Instead try planting sets which are half an inch in diameter. Sets with larger bulbs tend to bolt faster.

How do I know when my onions are ready to harvest?
An onion becomes fully matured when the top of the plant falls over. Don't try to do anything to the top till then. It will damage the bulb making process.

Have More questions? Feel free to post in the comment box.

This is another article in the FAQ series. This article is concerned with growing Onions. So here are some of the most common questions asked regarding Onion growing:

Can I grow onions from seedlings?
Yes you can. There are 3 ways to grow the plant; from the seed, from seedlings and from immature bulbs. You need to clip the top once it reaches 4 inches to stop its fall and to prevent any bending. Check this article for growing tips.

Which onion should I grow?
Depending on the required day light to form bulbs the onions can be of three types:
1. long Day Onions (Most of the onion variety are of this type and are pungent in taste)
2. Short Day Onions (most sweet onions are short day type)
3. Day neutral Onions
So if your place receives a very long day type choose Long day Onions and if the place lacks day time choose the shorter version. If you are not very sure go for the day neutral variety.

What are the different types of Onions?
Onions can be of different varieties. Colour wise they can be Red, Yellow or White. You can find detailed information about various types of onions in this article.

Should I cover the onion bulbs?
No. Do not try to cover the bulbs while growing onions. Onion plants have a very shallow root system. Any digging around the plant can actually damage it.

What is an onion set?
These are small immature bulbs which have been taken out before reaching their full size. Once they reach a size around 1/3 to 1/2 a inch in diameter they are harvested and after drying used for planting. For more details check out Onion growing tips.
If I can't plant immediately after buying plants from the shop, how do I store them?
It is highly recommended  that once you get your plant you should plant them. But if you can't do it immediately don't panic. The onions can live sometime of their bulbs. Spread them in cool and dry area. But do not put them in water.

Why some of the onion sets I planted, go to seeds instead of forming bulbs?
Onions form bulbs in the first year and then go into flowering and seed in the next year. But if you are getting the flowers and seeds in the first year itself and not the bulbs it is may be due to the fact that the set size is too large. Instead try planting sets which are half an inch in diameter. Sets with larger bulbs tend to bolt faster.

How do I know when my onions are ready to harvest?
An onion becomes fully matured when the top of the plant falls over. Don't try to do anything to the top till then. It will damage the bulb making process.

Have More questions? Feel free to post in the comment box.

Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

FAQs About Tomato Growing

FAQ - Looking for Aquaponics And Hydroponics Systems Today i will give you some info about FAQ, i was write this article for sharing Article FAQ, Article growing foods, Article Tomato, I hope this article very helpfull for you

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There are several questions that bother many tomato growers. I have tried to compile some of these in this article. Here is a list of all the frequently asked questions about growing tomatoes.

Staking/caging or no support?
Generally determinate types are the ones that are given no support. If you are using indeterminate type then you need to stake them or provide some sort of cage.

Do you need to prune tomatoes?
Pruning is not mandatory for tomatoes. It depends on the surrounding weather as well as your preference. If the weather is too dry and hot, removing leaves can really damage your plant.

Indeterminate varieties are generally pruned, but you can prune the determinate ones also. Modest pruning will lead to early fruiting and will increase the fruit-size (but you will get fewer fruits). More on Tomato Pruning here in this article.

Does mulching help?
Mulchinghelps in maintaining the moisture of the soil and thus reduces the frequency of watering the plant. It also keeps the soil cooler.

What causes poor fruit sets?
A poor set of fruits can be a result of many things. It can be environmental (like too cold or too hot), age of the plant, unfavourable ratio of NPK etc. The best way to avoid these problems is to give the plant its proper growing environment. Check this article to know more.

How to save tomato seeds?
Extracting seed from a fully grown tomato is very easy. I have written an article on this. Please click here if you want to know about the techniques.

What causes leaf roll?
This is a very common phenomena in tomato plants. This is due to the pressure of water which moves through the roots and causes the older leaves to move inwards. If you look closely you will find the leaves are green and healthy. It is not a disease.

What causes blossom-end rot?
Insufficient water is the main cause of this problem. Sometimes lack of calcium can also cause this. Make sure your plants get adequate water. Follow these techniques of watering. The good news is that the fruits are still edible and you can have it just by removing the affected portion.

What is determinate and indeterminate type?
Determinate type: These are also called the bush tomatoes. They don't grow very tall and reach an average height of 4 feet. These are ideal for growing in containers.
Indeterminate type: These are generally called vining tomatoes and can reach up to a height of 10 feet. They require substantial support in the form of stake or cage. Most of the heirloom tomatoes are indeterminate types.

What are the different tomato cultivar?
These can be of several types. Here is a list of all the cultivars from Wikipedia

What is Heirloom tomato? This is the non-hybrid version of tomatoes and lacks any form of genetic mutation. These are mainly maintained by gardeners or farmers in isolated areas and is considered to be a variety that has been passed down through several generations of family because of its valued characteristics.

Why my tomatoes are cracking?
This is also a problem related to water. Too much of water makes the fruit overflown with juice and to release this pressure it cracks. Mulching and proper watering techniques generally solve the problem.

How to prevent cross-pollinating?
The success of this depends on the seriousness of your efforts. Here are some suggestions.
  1. Plant different varieties of tomatoes far enough so that the pollen don't reach one another.
  2. Use screened cages to grow different varieties.
  3. Cover individual flowers with bags.
  4. And finally, time the planting properly so that you can avoid same time flowering for different varieties.

There are several questions that bother many tomato growers. I have tried to compile some of these in this article. Here is a list of all the frequently asked questions about growing tomatoes.

Staking/caging or no support?
Generally determinate types are the ones that are given no support. If you are using indeterminate type then you need to stake them or provide some sort of cage.

Do you need to prune tomatoes?
Pruning is not mandatory for tomatoes. It depends on the surrounding weather as well as your preference. If the weather is too dry and hot, removing leaves can really damage your plant.

Indeterminate varieties are generally pruned, but you can prune the determinate ones also. Modest pruning will lead to early fruiting and will increase the fruit-size (but you will get fewer fruits). More on Tomato Pruning here in this article.

Does mulching help?
Mulchinghelps in maintaining the moisture of the soil and thus reduces the frequency of watering the plant. It also keeps the soil cooler.

What causes poor fruit sets?
A poor set of fruits can be a result of many things. It can be environmental (like too cold or too hot), age of the plant, unfavourable ratio of NPK etc. The best way to avoid these problems is to give the plant its proper growing environment. Check this article to know more.

How to save tomato seeds?
Extracting seed from a fully grown tomato is very easy. I have written an article on this. Please click here if you want to know about the techniques.

What causes leaf roll?
This is a very common phenomena in tomato plants. This is due to the pressure of water which moves through the roots and causes the older leaves to move inwards. If you look closely you will find the leaves are green and healthy. It is not a disease.

What causes blossom-end rot?
Insufficient water is the main cause of this problem. Sometimes lack of calcium can also cause this. Make sure your plants get adequate water. Follow these techniques of watering. The good news is that the fruits are still edible and you can have it just by removing the affected portion.

What is determinate and indeterminate type?
Determinate type: These are also called the bush tomatoes. They don't grow very tall and reach an average height of 4 feet. These are ideal for growing in containers.
Indeterminate type: These are generally called vining tomatoes and can reach up to a height of 10 feet. They require substantial support in the form of stake or cage. Most of the heirloom tomatoes are indeterminate types.

What are the different tomato cultivar?
These can be of several types. Here is a list of all the cultivars from Wikipedia

What is Heirloom tomato? This is the non-hybrid version of tomatoes and lacks any form of genetic mutation. These are mainly maintained by gardeners or farmers in isolated areas and is considered to be a variety that has been passed down through several generations of family because of its valued characteristics.

Why my tomatoes are cracking?
This is also a problem related to water. Too much of water makes the fruit overflown with juice and to release this pressure it cracks. Mulching and proper watering techniques generally solve the problem.

How to prevent cross-pollinating?
The success of this depends on the seriousness of your efforts. Here are some suggestions.
  1. Plant different varieties of tomatoes far enough so that the pollen don't reach one another.
  2. Use screened cages to grow different varieties.
  3. Cover individual flowers with bags.
  4. And finally, time the planting properly so that you can avoid same time flowering for different varieties.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

FAQs on Cabbage Growing

FAQ - Looking for Aquaponics And Hydroponics Systems Today i will give you some info about FAQ, i was write this article for sharing Article cabbage, Article FAQ, Article growing foods, I hope this article very helpfull for you

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This is a follow up article from how to grow cabbage. If you have not read that already please click here to go to that article. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about cabbage growing.

  1. Why cabbage heads split? 

    The main cause of head splitting is that more water is entering into the head than necessary. A healthy root system though is necessary for the survival of the plant sometime too much growth of the root system can cause huge amount of water supply to the head. 

    To prevent the split you can pull the plant little bit to break some of its roots once the head becomes moderately firm. This will limit the water supply. If your plant roots are getting uneven water mulching might be a great way to solve this.

  2. Can you get second crop from early cabbage plant? 
    Yes, getting a second head is possible. Once you got the primary solid one, cut carefully just beneath the head but leave the older leaves as it is. After sometime, you will get one or more smaller lateral heads (developed from axial buds of older leaves). 
  3. What are different cabbage cutivars? 

    There are many cultivars but these three are the most common.
    White Cabbage: These are by far the most common types. They have pale green smooth leaves and are also called Dutch cabbage. 
    Savoy Cabbage: these have softer heads, crumpled leaves and a very rich flavor. 
    Red Cabbage: These have purple coloured small to medium size heads.

  4. Why do butterfly fly around cabbage plant? 

    Cabbage worm lay eggs on the plants which hatches into worms and after sometimes turned into butterflies. So to prevent it you need to control the worms. Try different organic pest controlling techniques discussed in this article.

  5. Why there are holes in my cabbage leaves? 

    This is also a pest attack. Worms chew the leaves of the cabbage plant leaving those occurred holes in the leaves. Try organic pest controlling to prevent this.

  6. What causes cabbage to develop seed stalks rather than solid heads? 

    Generally, cabbage will either head up or go to seed at some point in time. If the temperature falls below 45 degrees it will start growing seeds instead of forming heads. 55 to 65 degrees are the ideal temperature slab for growing heads.

  7. Why there are swelling in my cabbage roots? 

    This is a disease caused by a fungus that remains in the soil. It is spread by moving infested soil and by infected transplants. To discourage the disease, add lime to raise the soil pH to 6.8.

Hope you have enjoyed the article. If you have any other questions please add in the comment box.

This is a follow up article from how to grow cabbage. If you have not read that already please click here to go to that article. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about cabbage growing.

  1. Why cabbage heads split? 

    The main cause of head splitting is that more water is entering into the head than necessary. A healthy root system though is necessary for the survival of the plant sometime too much growth of the root system can cause huge amount of water supply to the head. 

    To prevent the split you can pull the plant little bit to break some of its roots once the head becomes moderately firm. This will limit the water supply. If your plant roots are getting uneven water mulching might be a great way to solve this.

  2. Can you get second crop from early cabbage plant? 
    Yes, getting a second head is possible. Once you got the primary solid one, cut carefully just beneath the head but leave the older leaves as it is. After sometime, you will get one or more smaller lateral heads (developed from axial buds of older leaves). 
  3. What are different cabbage cutivars? 

    There are many cultivars but these three are the most common.
    White Cabbage: These are by far the most common types. They have pale green smooth leaves and are also called Dutch cabbage. 
    Savoy Cabbage: these have softer heads, crumpled leaves and a very rich flavor. 
    Red Cabbage: These have purple coloured small to medium size heads.

  4. Why do butterfly fly around cabbage plant? 

    Cabbage worm lay eggs on the plants which hatches into worms and after sometimes turned into butterflies. So to prevent it you need to control the worms. Try different organic pest controlling techniques discussed in this article.

  5. Why there are holes in my cabbage leaves? 

    This is also a pest attack. Worms chew the leaves of the cabbage plant leaving those occurred holes in the leaves. Try organic pest controlling to prevent this.

  6. What causes cabbage to develop seed stalks rather than solid heads? 

    Generally, cabbage will either head up or go to seed at some point in time. If the temperature falls below 45 degrees it will start growing seeds instead of forming heads. 55 to 65 degrees are the ideal temperature slab for growing heads.

  7. Why there are swelling in my cabbage roots? 

    This is a disease caused by a fungus that remains in the soil. It is spread by moving infested soil and by infected transplants. To discourage the disease, add lime to raise the soil pH to 6.8.

Hope you have enjoyed the article. If you have any other questions please add in the comment box.

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